Be-you-ty doesn’t sleep

I won’t lie, this week was tough.

As I was falling short of my own expectations at work, and then at home, it’s been really tempting to bundle my aspiration to publish a book in what felt like a truly mediocre week. I was barely and sluggishly delivering minimum service on the essentials, so how could I dare hoping for anything else but… not falling apart?

So I summoned my good fairies: responsibility,  resilience and re-creation

Responsibility: acknowledging that me falling short doesn’t come with a « . » but with a « ? » and then getting curious regarding what in my locus of control I didn’t show up for and why (was it in my blind spot? Which signals did I ignore? What choices did I make? Which principles supported my decisions? Did I use my resources appropriately), and by that claiming my power back. Any mistake, any error, is information on what path I strayed away from and why - so that I can adjust course and focus. Accepting that I can be rather lame, sometimes.

Resilience: recognizing that this week doesn’t define me, nor it dictates how I should feel right now. I can wallow in regret or worry about consequences, but the reality is that both are largely useless. Tapping into my infinite ability to pivot, learn and grow. Fueling my gratitude for those around me embracing and making up for my shortcomings. Expanding my desire to be that person for someone, some day. Deciding to feel good and hopeful, because that’s just such a better energy source for all I dream to accomplish. Forgiving myself for being so lame, sometimes.

Re-creation: doubling down on what inspires me and gives me joy, looking to create anew from a place of possibility and trust. Building up on the tiny moments to amplify the feelings of aliveness, boldness and connection. Try again. Fail better. Choosing to be on my team rather than throwing myself under the bus. Cheering for me. Looking for all the reasons why I’m so happy to be spending a lifetime with myself. Loving myself unconditionally, lameness and all.

Naturally, the evil fairy was also invited. Along with a nosedive on my agency, she told me secrets of magic fear potions and potent anger rituals, of dancing with disappointment under the moon and metamorphosis for sadness, but that would be for another story…


Privilege and hassle


All things have a beginning